Intro Blog

    Welcome! My name is Taylor Booysen. I'm 16 years old and currently a sophomore at Fort Lauderdale High School. I play on the Fort Lauderdale girl's varsity softball team as an outfielder. Last year I played for the varsity soccer team, however now I'm committed to playing softball as a full season. Being back at school has connected me with my creative side once again, enjoying classes like science and art. In my free time I love to go on adventures, play sports, relax and watch films, and go ice skating at Glacier. Films and shows I love to watch is The Flash on the CW and Lilo and Stitch from Disney. My favorite genre's is action, fantasy and adventure. My favorite genre of music is country, but I'm up to listen to anything. In my future I want to incorporate what I have learned in media studies to my work. I'm leaning towards becoming and interior designer. A job that allows me to be creative and bring peoples ideas to life. A recent hobby of mine has been surfing and iceskating. If I could create a film based on my hobbies and personal likings. The only downfall I see with this class is my ultra high bar of expectations. The work I want to turn in is normally done by professionals, that have the proper gear. Currently, I am studying for the AS level of AICE Media Studies. The idea of cinematography and creation of films has always intrigued me. The creativity and imagination used to create films fits well with some of the ideas I have created in my head for these projects. I am looking forward to media studies and having fun filming and creating.


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